Working Together to Live Well with the ongoing impact of COVID-19: Free online seminar, Monday 29 June 2020, 2.30pm-4.30pm

Developing Healthy Communities

The seminar will also feature the launch of Developing Healthy Communities’ report Living Well with the ongoing impact of COVID-19, which draws on findings of their recent survey, and learning from the local Community Mobilisation Hub, led by WHSCT in response to the COVID-19 crisis.
All are welcome to take part. We especially encourage anyone in public or third sector organisations involved with helping people deal with the challenges of the pandemic in the Derry City and Strabane District area.
The programme includes:
- A Healthy City and District response to COVID-19, Developing Healthy Communities Report launch, Mayor of Derry and Strabane, Cllr Brian Tierney
- Working together during a time of COVID-19, Paul Cavanagh, Commissioning Lead (West), Health and Social Care Board
- Living Well with the ongoing impact of COVID-19, a view from the C&V sector, Erin Richardson, Chief Executive, Developing Healthy Cities
- Sharing the learning from the Community Mobilisation Hub, Seamus Ward, Head of Health Improvement, WHSCT
- Breakouts / Group Discussion, on:
- How do we build on the potential for shared working in the future, taking into account the learning that we have explored?
- How do we build on existing structures and relationships to improve our day to day working?
This online event will be delivered via Zoom.
Advance booking is required as places are limited. Please email for booking or more information.
- Health and wellbeing
Date and Time
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Lilac Villa
Gransha Roundabout
BT47 6TG
United Kingdom
Contact Details
Please email for booking or more information.
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