Cervical Smears: Clifton Street, New Lodge

Family Planning: Crumlin Road

Sexual health - Church View Medical Practice: Shankill

Medical Services and Clinics: Shankill

Family Planning: Crumlin Road

Cervical Smears: Shore Road, Innisfayle

Cervical Smear Clinic: Crumlin Road

Cervical Smears: Willow Medical Practice, New Lodge

Contraceptive Services: Ballygomartin

Family Planning: Willow Medical Practice, New Lodge

Additional Medical Services: Collinbridge

Contraceptive Services: Glengormley

Clinics and Services: Mallusk

Cervical Smears: Antrim Road, Chichester Park

Sexual and Reproductive Health Service: Crumlin Road

Clinics and Services: Duncairn

Signposting to Relevant Local Services: Westland

Medical Clinics: New Lodge

Regional Fertility: Belfast

Cervical Smears: Crumlin Road, Forth River

Hospital Services - Mater Hospital

Family Planning: Crumlin Road, Forth River

Health Visiting: Belfast

Family Planning: Ballysillan

Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare Service: Belfast

Medical Services and Clinics: Cliftonville

Medical Services and Clinics: New Lodge

Well-woman Clinic: Cliftonville

Free, Confidential Sexual Health Advice for Under 25s

Information and Advice on Group and Chem Sex

Online Information on Sexual Health (Gay and Bi-sexual Men)

Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity Awareness Training

Counselling and Life Coaching: Youth

Psycho-Sexual Therapy Services: Belfast

Health Partnership: Ardoyne and Shankill

Sexual Health & Reproduction

Services which advise and/or provide medical interventions for people who need support around Sexual Health & Reproduction, including contraception, family planning, screening for STIs/STDs etc.

This can be GUM clinics, but also organisations that specifically tackle sexual issues.

39 support services available

Psycho-Sexual Therapy Services: Belfast

Relate NI

3rd and 4th Floor 3 Glengall Street Belfast BT12 5AB

Regional Fertility: Belfast

Belfast Health and Social Care Trust - Grove Wellbeing and Treatment Centre

120 York Road, Belfast, BT15 3HF

Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare Service: Belfast

Belfast Health and Social Care Trust - Carlisle Wellbeing and Treatment Centre

40 Antrim Road, Belfast, BT15 2AX

Sexual health - Church View Medical Practice: Shankill

Church View Medical Practice - Dr. Droggart & Partners

Cornerstone Medical Centre, 69 Shankill Road, Belfast, BT13 1FD

Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity Awareness Training

The Rainbow Project

At your place of work or Belfast Office: LGBT Centre, 23-31 Waring St, Belfast BT1 2DX

Well-woman Clinic: Cliftonville

Cliftonville Medical Practice

59-61 Cliftonville Road, Belfast, BT14 6JN