Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) Programme: Children and Young People

Relate NI

Across Northern Ireland

Help offered

What is it?

Relate NI is working in conjunction with Nexus and The Rainbow Project on our Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) Programme. The RSE programme is an age-appropriate, sex-positive, LGBT+ inclusive programme for young people aged between 11 and 24.

Who can we work with?

The programme is fully funded by the Public Health Agency, which means it is entirely free for youth groups and further education colleges.

Information can be tailored to the needs of the specific group.

The Relate RSE Programme will explore some of the following issues, depending on age:

  • Puberty, the development of sexual feelings & sexual orientation.
  • Gender Identity
  • An introduction to the support services available in NI
  • How to have healthy relationships and spot unhealthy ones
  • Consent
  • Sexual health & STI’s
  • Contraception & how to have safer sex


Our RSE Program will help build confidence, understanding, empathy and inclusion.

How to access this support

For more information or to book in, contact our RSE Project Manager, Kellie O'Dowd:


Telephone: 028 9032 3454

Contact Name
Kellie O'Dowd
Email Address
Telephone number
Supported Age Groups