ABBEY SureStart provides services for parents and children aged 0-4, in the following wards: Abbey,Cloughfern, Coole, Dunanney, Part of Monkstown, Valley, Whitehouse & Glenville.
86 Palmerston Road Sydenham Belfast BT41QD United Kingdom
The Ultra Rare Disease Disorders,& Disabilities Foundation (urddad_foundation) A charity set up by families who have been affected by Ultra Rare Disease, their lives have been greatly affected by the diagnosis of a rare disease
Duncairn Complex Duncairn Avenue Belfast BT14 6BP United Kingdom
174 Trust focuses on work dedicated to tackling many of the problems confronting the local community and meeting the needs of those living in the local area with Nursery, Afterschool, Disability Groups and an Arts and Culture Centre.
80 - 82 Rainey Street Magherafelt BT45 5AJ United Kingdom
Network Personnel deliver training and employment initiatives. We specialise in helping unemployed individuals return to work through training, work placement and mentoring.
Skyzdalimit Omagh is a cross-community performing arts charity for people with a learning/physical disability, sensory/visual impairment and non-disabled peers
Rosario Youth Centre is a full time voluntary youth centre which provides a wide and varied range of social and educational activities and programmes for those aged 6-20.
The VISION of Holywood Family Trust is that a centre and network of people would exist in the North Down & Ards area that is equipped to help individuals and families through some of the issues in their lives,and contribute towards an inclusive community
Action Medical Research is a children's charity saving and changing lives through medical research. We want to make a difference in tackling premature birth, helping children affected by disability, infections and rare diseases.
Millars Lane Dundonald Belfast BT16 2DA United Kingdom
Helping Hands Autism Support Group is a parent led initiative that supports families and children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Formed in 2008 by volunteers we provide support for families across Belfast and North Down.
Bandanas For The Brave Unit 2, Ballyoran Centre, 30 Rosneath Gardens, Dundonald Belfast BT16 1UN United Kingdom
Our Charity was inspired by our son Todd, who underwent 85 weeks of Chemotherapy for a Brain Tumour. He wanted to help other kids fighting Cancer, in a UNIQUE way, We give every child & young person in UK & IRE A FREE BANDANA when diagnosed with Cancer.
Outdoor Recreation Northern Ireland, The Stableyard Barnett Demesne Belfast BT9 5PB United Kingdom
Walking in Your Community is an initiative to encourage people throughout Northern Ireland to get walking in their local area. It offers introductory walk leader training and other support to deliver a successful walking programme for local communities.
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul 196 - 200 Antrim Road Belfast BT15 2AJ United Kingdom
The Society of St Vincent de Paul (SVP) is a large, national, voluntary organisation with extensive experience of working with a diverse range of people who experience poverty and exclusion. Through its network of over 10,000 volunteers and 800 staff, it is strongly committed to working for social justice and advocates the creation of a more just and caring society.
There are 8 Regions across the Island of Ireland and in Northern Ireland; this Region has 182 local conferences (groups) and 1,800 volunteers (members).
Sólás is a Charity dedicated to supporting children and young people with additional needs. It is based in South Belfast and has a very strong volunteering ethos. Founded in 2009, it provides a range of educational and social programmes for children and young people with additional needs and/or Autism.
To provide a service to young people and families living in Portadown with a particular emphasis on Portadown West to promote personal and social development and to deliver an holistic youth work approach to work with young people.
Family Mediation NI Rights House 127-131 Ormeau Road Belfast BT7 1SH United Kingdom
Family Mediation is voluntary and nobody can be compelled to take part against his or her will. It is often very helpful in enabling people to reach their own negotiated settlements.