Walking In Your Community
Walking In Your Community
Outdoor Recreation Northern Ireland, The Stableyard
Barnett Demesne
United Kingdom
Contact Details
Nicola Cully
Walking in Your Community is an initiative to encourage people throughout Northern Ireland to get walking in their local area. It offers introductory walk leader training and other support to deliver a successful walking programme for local communities.
Walking in Your Community is designed specifically for community group leaders and volunteers as well as club leaders and community members who wish to encourage people to get walking. Trained leaders, known as Community Walk Leader will set up walking groups and encourage people in their local community to walk with the group as part of a regular and enjoyable walking programme.
Walking In Your Community provides:
- Introductory Community Walk Leader training
- Insurance
- Further training including first aid, further navigation
- Online forum & networking events
To find out more about Walking In Your Community please visit www.WalkingInYourCommunity.com, email info@walkinginyourcommunity.com or following on Facebook and Twitter.