Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful

Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful

Titanic Suites
55-59 Adelaide Street
United Kingdom

Contact Details

Louise Wilson 07918453307

Opening Hours

9.00am to 5.00pm

Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful is an environmental charity working towards the vision of a beautiful Northern Ireland by inspiring people to take responsibility for creating cleaner, greener and more sustainable communities.

Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful runs a number of awareness raising campaigns including the BIG Spring Clean volunteering and public engagement campaign, the Clean Coast programme which supports coastal volunteering groups, and coordinates the surveying and cleaning of 16km of Northern Ireland’s coastline. The charity also runs the Seaside and Green Coast Awards, the international Blue Flag (for beaches and marinas) and Eco-Schools programmes all of which set environmental quality standards. 

Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful's Services

The Live Here Love Here Small Grants Scheme

Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful

COVID-19 Service

Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful's Content

Job | Full Time

Field Officer

Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful

Online / Virtual

Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful

Take advantage of this free training available throughout the summer. This DAERA funded programme helps you to understand the full climate change picture. What does the science tell us? Why is it happening? How can we make a difference? What actions are already being taken in NI and beyond? If you are a member of a voluntary or community group this could be for you. With a focus on facts and solutions for people and communities, this training can help you to see the amazing difference we can make if we all work together for a better climate future.
03 August 202217 August 202230 August 2022
Conference Launch

Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful

The 2019 Awards are now OPEN for nominations! Download a nomination form and application pack to nominate your Litter Heroes!
12 November 2018 - 07 January 2019

Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful

The deadline for the Live Here Love Here small grants scheme has been extended to 12noon 10 October 2014.


Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful

There is one week left to enter the Coca-Cola Coast Care Awards, managed by Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful! These Awards acknowledge the excellent work of individuals and groups involved in the protection and conservation of our coastline and inland wate


Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful

A new grants scheme aimed at helping volunteers to take practical action to improve their local environment and support the growth of civic pride is being launched today by environmental charity Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful.

More Information

Type of Organisation


Company Number

Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful


  • Sue Christie