Free training on Climate Change for community group members

Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful
This short, online course opens the door to understanding climate change. As individuals, members of community groups and organisations, climate change affects our families, friends and lifestyles in ever increasing ways and is connected to the key issues of our lives such as the cost of living, jobs, training, energy costs, health and wellbeing. This DAERA funded programme offers you the opportunity to understand the climate challenge we all face, how it affects us all and most importantly the many ways we can all work together to be part of the solution. Reductions in the cost of living, access to training that ensures future job prospects, stable energy costs and a healthy environment that supports our health and wellbeing are key changes we can all work towards as we deal with the climate change challenge we face. Taking action is the best antidote to anxiety so come and find out more and be part of the change in your community!
Join one of our Carbon Smart Community online courses or find out more at,
Carbon Smart Communities – 1-day programme. Are you a member of a local community group, keen to learn more about climate change? Come along to this accessible, 1-day programme and find the ways that you can make a difference to become part of the solution. Course dates - August 3rd, 17th and 30th.
Carbon Smart Communities – modular. All the benefits of the above course broken down in to 3 accessible modules covering 8hrs of training. Starting dates - July 18th, 22nd or August 9th or 12th.
- Education/training
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2 Paulett Ave, Belfast
United Kingdom
Department of Agriculture, Environment & Rural Affairs