The Live Here Love Here Small Grants Scheme
Keep Northern Ireland BeautifulAcross Northern Ireland
Type of support for people
- Other
Help offered
The Live Here Love Here Small Grants Scheme is an incredible opportunity for local communities to apply for a grant between £500 to £5000 to improve their local environment. The Small Grants Scheme is about encouraging practical, local action towards building more sustainable communities. The scheme will support volunteers to:
- Contribute to the development of civic pride within a community with a focus on environmental improvement.
- Encourage actions and projects that enable Pollution Solutions, Biodiversity Recovery and Climate Action.
- Enhance the environmental management of a local area.
- Improve the health and wellbeing of communities whilst helping to improve and/or maintain public spaces.
- Improve the quality of their local environment by reducing littering and dog fouling through effective and innovative means. In light of COVID-19, the Live Here Love Here Small Grants Scheme will make available funding to community groups enabling them to respond according to local need for people impacted through reduced contact with society. Community groups understand the and fits with the ethos and spirit of the Live Here Love Here programme. Where people and organisations have solutions or ideas, we want to hear from them.
An additional criterion has therefore been added to the Live Here Love Here Small Grants Scheme this year:
- Support actions that help care for those in need as a result of COVID-19. A range of much needed community help that could be supported under this new criterion including, but not limited to:
- Emerging issues in the community as a result of the continuing threat of COVID-19.
- Grow Your Own projects and materials (supplemented by online webinars/classes for e.g. on seed collection, seasonal food growing and maintenance, cookery, foraging etc.) to encourage new skills development, extend virtual environmental education opportunities to the wider community and to provide positive interventions to tackle loneliness and isolation in response to COVID-19.
- Applications welcome from newly formed COVID-19 action groups to act as a community hub and to distribute growing kits to families/individuals in the wider community.
How to access this support
More information can be found at
Email Address
Telephone number

Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful
Live Here Love Here
Operating in the following council areas:
- Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council
- Ards and North Down Borough Council
- Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council
- Belfast City Council
- Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council
- Derry City and Strabane District Council
- Fermanagh and Omagh District Council
- Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council
- Mid and East Antrim Borough Council
- Mid Ulster District Council
- Newry, Mourne and Down District Council
COVID-19 Service