Huntington's Disease Association Northern Ireland

Huntington's Disease Association Northern Ireland

HDANI (correspondance only)
53, Andersonstown Road
BT11 9AG
United Kingdom

Contact Details

Sorcha McGuinness

Opening Hours

We have a small but dedicated team of staff who work part-time or compressed hours from home Monday to Friday.

Our address is for post only.

Please note that we do not provide medical advice however we can link you in with health professionals.

Please email or call and we will get back to you as soon as we can to assist with signposting, emotional and practical support, volunteering, training or fundraising enquiries.

Huntington’s Disease Association Northern Ireland provides support to individuals, families and carers living with Huntington's disease in Northern Ireland and also provides information, advice and signposting for health and social care professionals.


HDANI works throughout Northern Ireland providing support, information, advice and social connections to those living with the impact of Huntington’s Disease. We run regional support groups, provide telephone and face to face advice and support as well opportunities for families to connect through our events and befriending services.

We also work closely with medical professionals to advocate for the most effective care for our clients and lobby the Executive for improved and efficient services. We provide training and awareness raising events and keep our members informed of the latest research and medical advances in the quest for effective treatments and ultimately a cure.

The Association is dependent on a small but dedicated team of staff and volunteers who are committed to providing the best possible outcomes to our members.

Our Mission Statement

The Huntington’s Disease Association Northern Ireland’s mission is to secure the best quality of life for sufferers and their families and to work with others towards the effective management and eventual eradication of the disease.

Our Vision

The Huntington’s Disease Association Northern Ireland’s vision is for those affected by HD to be empowered and supported to live as normal a life as possible.

Our Events

Monthly Support Groups are located in Belfast, Armagh, Omagh and Limavady

Check out our events on Facebook 



Huntington's Disease Association Northern Ireland's Services

Huntington's Disease Association Northern Ireland's Content

Conference Seminar Training/Advice Workshop

Huntington's Disease Association Northern Ireland

HDANI invite you to attend our training event for health and social care professionals in the Armagh City Hotel on Friday 27th September 2019. The event is aimed at anyone currently studying or working in the field of health or social care with an interest in Huntington’s Disease. No medical knowledge of the disease is required. This is a not for profit event with a fee of £30 which includes refreshments, lunch and materials. Tickets may be purchased via Eventbrite If you have any questions about the conference or would like to register email or call/text 079 8284 3907 For further information on Huntington’s Disease visit
27 September 2019

Huntington's Disease Association Northern Ireland

Help us raise awareness of Huntingtons Disease in Northern Ireland 26-30th September

More Information

Type of Organisation



  • Sorcha McPhillips
  • Errol Walsh