Conference Seminar Training/Advice Workshop

A Learning Event about Huntington's Disease for Health & Social Care Professionals - Armagh - Friday 27th September 2019

Huntington's Disease Association Northern Ireland

Huntington's Disease Association Northern Ireland

Cost: £30 which includes refreshments, lunch and materials.
HDANI invite you to attend our training event for health and social care professionals in the Armagh City Hotel on Friday 27th September 2019. The event is aimed at anyone currently studying or working in the field of health or social care with an interest in Huntington’s Disease. No medical knowledge of the disease is required. This is a not for profit event with a fee of £30 which includes refreshments, lunch and materials. Tickets may be purchased via Eventbrite If you have any questions about the conference or would like to register email or call/text 079 8284 3907 For further information on Huntington’s Disease visit

A Learning Event for Health and Social Care Professionals 

Friday 27th September 2019 

Armagh City Hotel 



10.00am Registration and refreshments served 

10.30am Opening remarks from Sorcha McPhillips, Chief Executive HDANI 

10.45am Prof. Hugh Rickards: Understanding & Responding to Challenging Behaviour 

in HD 

11.30am Dr Emma Yhnell: The Role of Brain Training in HD Management 

12.15am Q&A 

12.30pm Lunch 

1.30pm Prof. Monica Busse: Making the most of Physiotherapy in HD 

2.15pm Interactive workshop on HD management led by HDANI with input from carers 

and professionals 

4.00pm Closing remarks, photos, certificates 


  • Advice services
  • Disability
  • Education/training
  • Health and wellbeing

Date and Time

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Armagh City Hotel
BT60 4FR
United Kingdom

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