The Conservation Volunteers
The Conservation Volunteers
Beech House
159 Ravenhill Road
United Kingdom
Contact Details
Our Services
TCV is a practical environmental charity which involves people in understanding and improving the environment in four main areas of work:
Environment - improving the local environment through involvement of volunteers and the local community. Creating and improving habitats.
Learning and Skills - helping people gain skills to improve the environment and this often helps support career development and securing employment.
Health - Green Gym and food growing projects and helping to improve social well-being.
Community - working with local communities and providing a community network which includes insurance cover.
Conservation Action Teams
The teams deliver practical environmental/conservation projects for landowners, eg councils, farmers, schools and businesses. Work undertaken includes:
- countryside access,
- tree planting,
- school grounds development,
- habitat construction, and
- land management.
Site visits, practical advice, costings and information on funding sources are available. For more information contact your nearest office:
- Belfast 90645169
- Coleraine 70355352
- DerryLondonderry 71262664
Green Gyms
Green Gyms offer environmental volunteering opportunities with a strong personal health focus for community, older people and women’s groups, school children and people with mental ill health, physical disabilities and learning difficulties.
Volunteering Opportunities exist on each of the above areas of work. If you want to find out more about how to get involved give us a call.
The Conservation Volunteers's Content
More Information
Type of Organisation
- Michelle Crozier
- Robert Shearman
- Tree Nursery