Support services to young people, adult offenders, and families in the community.

Start 360

Across Northern Ireland

Type of support for people

  • Emotional or social support (e.g. befriending)
  • Information and advice

Help offered for organisations

  • Information and advice
  • Counselling / bereavement support
  • Other
Help offered

DAISY Services operating in Northern, Western and Eastern Trust areas work with young people who need confidential advice and help for alcohol or drug use. 

Protect Life is a mentoring project designed to support vulnerable young people who present with issues around problem behaviour, self harm and suicide, which could negatively affect their emotional health and wellbeing.

Targeted Life Skills delivers age-appropriate life skills and harm reduction programmes to vulnerable young people using, or at-risk of using, substances.

VOICES Service offers Therapeutic services for children, young people and families affected by parental substance misuse.

Switch onto Employment is a project designed to meet the literacy and numeracy needs of 16-24 year old young people who are not in employment, education or training.

CONNECTIONS is Start360’s Community Alcohol and Drugs Information and Networking Service working closely with local community groups and forums, service user representatives and/or networks and with drug and alcohol service providers to ensure that the DACT is made aware of any emerging trends, issues of concern and gaps or pressures in service delivery.

How to access this support

Go to the website at to view all services on offer and to download referral forms.

Alternatively Our main contact number during COVID-19  will be  07923129559.

You can also contact us via email at

Email Address