The Prince's Trust virtual support services for young people 16-30 across Northern Ireland

The King's Trust

Across Northern Ireland

Type of support for people

  • Emotional or social support (e.g. befriending)
  • Information and advice
  • Other
Help offered

In the face of COVID -19, The Prince's Trust is now moving to home working and offering virtual support services to young people 16-30 across Northern Ireland. Our youth workers can offer:

• 1:1 Personal development/Life skills by phone or online

• Group and 1:1 employability skills

• We will also have several themes coming online in the coming weeks. Themescoming up soon include; Interview Skills, Exploring Enterprise, Managing Money, Participating in Exercise

How to access this support

We have launched our Young People Action Plan in response to the current situation we all find ourselves in. Full details can be found at the link below: Our phone lines, live chat and text service are open from 9am-9pm every day and our Coronavirus Support Hub is also available for advice and guidance. So, don’t feel alone.