Parenting support, emotional support to parents and families

Parenting Focus

Across Northern Ireland

Type of support for people

  • Emotional or social support (e.g. befriending)
  • Information and advice
Help offered

ParentingNI are committed to supporting parents, families and their children through the delivery and provision of our many needs led services to include: 

  • Freephone Support Line 
  • Webchat
  • Home Visiting Service
  • Families Together Project 
  • Employee Wellbeing Service 
  • Parental Participation Project 
  • Parenting Education project
  • Parenting NI App
  • Dads Project: we have a service specifically for Fathers who are separated from their children. Despite the government making clear that children can see non-resident parents we know that some fathers are finding this difficult and are struggling. As such, we would really like the Dads Project service to be listed on the portal. Here is the link to the project: 
How to access this support

Contact Details

Telephone: 028 9031 0891




Opening Hours:

Monday-Thursday 9:30am – 3:30pm and Friday 9:30am – 12:30pm

Email Address
Telephone number