Mencap NI Helpline - Advice and support to people with a learning disability, their families, carers and other professionals.


Across Northern Ireland

Type of support for people

  • Emotional or social support (e.g. befriending)
  • Information and advice

Help offered for organisations

  • Information and advice
Help offered

The Mencap NI Helpline

  • You can contact the Mencap NI Helpline by phoning: 0808 808 1111 or by emailing:
  • Through this extremely difficult situation with the Coronavirus Pandemic, Mencap have ensured that The Helpline has the latest information from the Government and official sources regarding Coronavirus.
  • The Helpline is an invaluable support to people with a learning disability, their families and carers. 
  • Our teams in Mencap have ensured that we have made resources available, and kept individuals, carers and families in touch through social media during this crisis.
  • The Mencap Help Line also provides vital information to professionals who are employed by the Trusts within NI such as Social Workers, Health Visitors, Psychologists and other Professionals. 
  • The 5 main themes that we provide support for on the Helpline are Advocacy, Wills and Trust, Supported Living, Power of Attorney and Employment
  • Within Mencap, we have a wealth of expertise in our teams such as Early Years, Young People and Families, Our Youth Team, Employment and Personal Development, Advocacy and Supported Living Services.
  • This means that within Mencap our teams can provide the support to the majority of the calls to the Helpline.
  • Some calls that need specialised support like benefit advice are passed on to the relevant organisations.
How to access this support

You can contact the Mencap Helpline by phoning: 0808 808 1111 or by emailing:

Contact Name
Mencap NI Helpline
Telephone number