Lifestart and Shaping Ourselves and Our Children - SOOC (Parenting Support)

Lifestart Foundation Limited

Across Northern Ireland

Type of support for people

  • Information and advice
  • Other
Help offered

SOOC Interactive Home Play Sessions.  Support for parents that is fun and engaging to share with others online! We are running weekly themed play sessions for parents and children through our Facebook Page. This is to encourage parents and children to play together. It provides a wonderful incentive for parents and children to focus on fun activities with an end result.  We invite parents to share their home play sessions on Facebook and at the end of each week we will give a SOOC Goody bag to the most fun family and one to the most fun family.  We will run this weekly with different themes until the end of lock down. 

FAMILY SUPPORT TEAM. We also have a team of family workers working remotely who can give parents a phone call advising how to deal with the stress of being confined to the home with young children. Normal working hours apply.  Parents can PM us through our Shaping Ourselves and Our Children's Facebook page or our Lifestart Foundation Facebook page or phone us on the number provided and we will get back to parents with advice.



How to access this support

Through our Facebook pages

Shaping Ourselves and Our Children

Lifestart Foundation

Phone: 078 5124 6095