DATS (Disability Action's Transport Scheme). Normally a door to door service for disabled people

Disability Action

Across Northern Ireland

Type of support for people

  • Transportation
Help offered

Our DATS Service continues to operate in line with the restrictions specific to travel announced by the NI Executive.

DATS is currently (as of 6.1.2021) offering a FREE Collection & Delivery service to both members and non-members during this very difficult COVID-19 period. To book call our office on 028 9029 7870 between 8am and 4pm Monday to Friday.

We have 12 buses and drivers available for any kind of deliveries in greater Belfast/Bangor/Holywood/Carrickfergus/Newtownabbey, within COVID-19 restrictions. We also have partner organisations that reach across NI. 

How to access this support

Primarily by Telephone - we have put our contact details out across our own social media channels: - https://www.facebook.com/disabilityaction/ - https://twitter.com/disabilityni/

Contact Name
Michael McNulty
Telephone number