The Arches Centre 11-13 Bloomfield Avenue Belfast BT5 5AA United Kingdom
With support from the Arts Council of Northern Ireland, QSS provide affordable studios for professional artists in Belfast. Our artist members deliver a diverse range of public facing activities locally, across the UK and internationally, all supported by their-studio centred practice. Closer to home our artists foster links with the wider community via a range on in-house events; from guided tours and workshops through to exhibitions and open days.
Head Peace is a not for profit, social enterprise, in the form of an agency providing services through independent facilitators. We serve the North Down and Ards Council areas in various venues throughout. Other areas also considered. Please ask.
77 University Street Belfast BT7 1HL United Kingdom
The 4 Corners Festival seeks to inspire people from across the city to transform it for the peace and prosperity of all. It consists of innovative events designed to entice people out of their own ‘corners’ of the city.
2-4 University Road Belfast BT7 1NH United Kingdom
The Crescent is an arts centre and cultural hub in the heart of South Belfast where diversity and creativity flourish. We provide opportunities for people to meet, be inspired, experience and participate in a wide range of art forms and our offering is simple! Each week we have a whole host of live events, offer a diverse learning programme and provide spaces for exhibitions.
Organisers of the annual NI Science Festival, an 11 day Festival with over 200 events celebrating the wonders of science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics.
IGNITION Belfast 6 Weavershill Square Belfast BT14 8QU United Kingdom
IGNITION Belfast provides digital services (Video, Photo, Web Design, Branding & Marketing, Print Design & Print) to voluntary and third sector organisations - providing a digital platform to bring learning to life and showcasing positive youth!
We work to create fair and inclusive opportunities for young people within the creative and cultural sectors. We do this by raising awareness and shaping skills, education and employment best practice. We provoke action and enable learning opportunities that drive change and help to build an inclusive skilled sector.
At Making Music, the UK’s number one organisation for voluntary music, we thrive on encouraging all kinds of music groups and individuals to be part of a vibrant multi-cultural music scene. We're here to help everyone flourish in their music making.
Platform is an artist-led studio group and contemporary art gallery based in Belfast’s city centre. Our role is to actively promote creative expression, presentation and access to contemporary art.
Waterloo House 44a-48a Waterloo Street Derry BT48 6HF United Kingdom
In Your Space aims to unleash the power of circus and street performance to ignite the imagination and inspire creativity and learning which can transform lives and communities.
Theatre and Dance NI Crescent Arts Centre Belfast bt7 1nh United Kingdom
Theatre and Dance NI is a new support agency for theatre and dance in Northern Ireland. The organisation is the product of a successful merger of Theatre NI and Dance Resource Base in 2020.
The company’s objects (‘Objects’) are specifically restricted to the following:
To support and develop a vibrant performing and creative arts ecology in Northern Ireland which will encourage people of Northern Ireland of all ages to participate in and appreciate performing arts and introduce people to culture with the objective of improving their conditions of life and well-being and in particular:-
(a) to promote, maintain and improve performing arts education particularly through the production of workshops, performances and the encouragement of the arts including contem