6 Weavershill Square
BT14 8QU
United Kingdom

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Opening Hours

Monday 10:00AM - 10:00PM

Tuesday 10:00AM - 10:00PM

Wednesday 10:00AM - 10:00PM

Thursday 10:00AM - 10:00PM

Friday 10:00AM - 10:00PM

Saturday 11:00AM - 3:00PM



IGNITION Belfast provides digital services (Video, Photo, Web Design, Branding & Marketing, Print Design & Print) to voluntary and third sector organisations - providing a digital platform to bring learning to life and showcasing positive youth!

Whilst IGNITION is a company that is open for trading, we do not prioritise Profit. Instead, we apply our commercial strategies in order to maximise community & environmental well-being. This results in our priority shifting to something slightly different — Social Impact: the effect our organisation has on the Social Fabric of the communities we work within, but also the well-being of its individuals and families.

A constant word that is mentioned throughout our mantra is Community. IGNITION works alongside a range of organisations from a broad spectrum of communities. This in turn has enabled us to encourage the merging of projects between our clients in order to promote the effectiveness of working on a cross-community level.

We have also had an extensive back catalogue of Cross Community experience through working alongside programmes such as Belfast 2 Blanco (Ardoyne/Hammer YC), Fair Chance Programme (Cooperation Ireland) and Belfast Interface Project, as well as many more. It is with this experience that I personally believe, and with a view as IGNITION, that cross-community based projects should be drastically marketed, promoted and focused on — especially in 2015.

IGNITION is beginning to plan its future steps. While we will continue to press ahead with the growth of our current and potential clients - building relationships with each of these bodies, we would also like to increase our engagement with the education sector. We have found this to be possible by beginning the process of designing and creating our very own OCN Accredited Qualification in Interactive Multimedia Design. 

When this plan been brought to fruition, we aim to offer this qualification to young people throughout our entire rota of clients. This in turn could potentially result in young people coming together from organisations such as Ardoyne Youth Club (Ardoyne), Hammer Youth Club (Shankill) and St. Peter’s Immaculata Youth Club (Divis) [but not limited to], to engage and work together on achieving a recognised skill and qualification which will introduce them to a potential career industry that is so rapidly growing.

Studies from NISRA have shown that looking specifically at Young People from Ardoyne and Shankill, they are amongst the top 10% of low education achievement within Northern Ireland, and so by providing this qualification IGNITION would in turn be assisting organisations already aiming to reduce these levels.

This is also a topic that is not offered by any other specialising organisation in Belfast, and further afield, which is why we believe the idea to be unique, but more importantly worthwhile, to the young people of the communities that we work within.

IGNITION Belfast C.I.C's Content



Youth are a massive part of what we do and that's why we've launched a fully inclusive Youth Awards Project, that we want you be a part of!

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  • Gareth Gilvary