Workforce Training Services
Workforce Training Services
90-120 Peter Pan Industrial Estate
Springfield Road
BT12 7AJ
United Kingdom
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Workforce Training Services is a welcoming and dynamic work based learning provider. We are committed to providing quality training, learning and support dedicated to our learners’ development and achievement.
Established in 1978 Workforce Training Services has a network of 5 training centres across the Greater Belfast area and is one of Northern Ireland’s leading providers of vocational training. We are committed to providing innovative teaching and learning processes, making our provision cutting edge and relevant to the sector skills in the local and national economy. At the same time we aim to be flexible and recognise the diverse needs and circumstances of our young people and adults.
Our vision is ‘Developing People to Achieve’. We actively promote the participation of our learners in decision making processes, helping them to understand the value of training, the importance of self-motivation and gaining accredited qualifications.
Workforce provides a wide range of professional and technical qualifications from Level 1 to Level 3 under Training for Success and Apprenticeship NI programmes. The vocational areas we specialise in are Business Administration, Childcare, Catering and Hospitality, Motor Vehicle, Multimedia, Hairdressing and Construction.
In addition to vocational training Workforce offers a comprehensive range of learning opportunities, giving support to enable learners to develop self confidence and self esteem. These include:
• Personal and Social Development Training
• Employability Skills training
• ICT Skills
• Essential Skills in English and Maths
• Membership of Job club with access to job boards, newspapers and internet
Learners are supported throughout their training journey by our dedicated and qualified teaching staff.
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- Chris Ward
- Shauna O'Neill