

Contact Details

Opening Hours

Office Hours: 9-5pm, Monday-Friday

Safeguarding Helpline: 7am - midnight, seven days per week (7-9am & 5pm-midnight - out of hours service for safeguarding queries that cannot wait until the next day)

Thirtyone:eight is an independent Christian safeguarding organisation which helps individuals, organisations, charities, faith and community groups to protect vulnerable people from abuse. Our vision is a world where every child and adult can feel, and be, safe. It’s a big vision, but it’s what drives us because we believe that when a person or organisation shares this vision, transformation takes place, safer places are created and people’s lives are impacted for the better.

To help achieve our vision, we provide organisations with a complete safeguarding solution, making sure everyone is equipped and empowered with the tools they need: We provide a number of safeguarding services including:

- safeguarding training at foundation, advanced and specialist levels

- safeguarding helpline (open from 7am - midnight, seven days per week)

- AccessNI umbrella body

- online safeguarding manual (includes safeguarding policy template and downloads) 

- specialist consultancy services including safeguarding audits, learning reviews, crisis management, past case reviews, expert witness

- listening service

- international child protection support

-specialist safeguarding research

We are leading experts in safeguarding, working with government to inform legislation and promoting high standards in safeguarding practice. All our services are offered within the Northern Irish context.

thirtyone:eight's Services

Independent safeguarding specialists


PO Box133

thirtyone:eight's Content

Online / Virtual Training/Advice


This course is for those working internationally and is based on the findings of our recent research into international Christian work. It will help you to understand your safeguarding responsibilities and improve safeguarding practice in your own context. This course is ideal for those who may oversee partnership relationships with organisations overseas, recruit and equip individuals to undertake mission trips to overseas partner projects, or for individuals undertaking mission trips themselves. We will explore the complexities and challenges of safeguarding in an international context and look at how to equip individuals effectively as well as how to build capacity.
29 January 202217 - 18 October 202224 - 25 March 2022
Online / Virtual Training/Advice


This webinar will explore the issue of spiritual abuse in the Church and Christian organisations. It will look at how to respond well, the importance of policy and procedure and the characteristics of a healthy Christian culture. This learning will facilitate a better understanding and underpin effective prevention and response.
12 February - 12 March 202211 May 2022
Online / Virtual Training/Advice


This course is for those with a responsibility for implementing safer recruitment processes in their organisations, whether churches, faith-based organisations, charities, community groups, local authorities or other organisations providing a service to children, young people and adults. It covers the safer recruitment processes, decision making, and developing safer cultures. The aim of this course is to understand the need for Safer Recruitment through the recruitment process.
14 - 15 February 202206 - 07 June 2022
Online / Virtual Training/Advice


This webinar is for those who have a responsibility for pastoral care in a faith setting. Many churches are now finding that traditional pastoral care models which rely heavily upon ministers, church leaders and paid pastoral workers are changing, and many are seeking to re-imagine pastoral care models that develop the roles of all members. This course will explore the safeguarding issues surrounding pastoral care in the Church and Christian organisations.
07 March 202217 May 2022
Online / Virtual Training/Advice


This webinar is for anyone who holds responsibility, oversight and decision-making powers within their church, charity or organisation, usually in a leadership role. The course will equip you with the knowledge and tools needed to identify, assess and manage risk whilst supporting known offenders and those whose behaviour may be cause for concern.
26 April 2022
Online / Virtual Training/Advice


This course assists churches, places of worship, charities and organisations to develop a broad and sound understanding of the safeguarding task specifically in relation to adults at risk of harm. This course is designed to equip you with the necessary tools to create robust safeguarding arrangements. Anyone who works or volunteers directly with adults or in adult focused activities will benefit from this training.
08 June 2022
Online / Virtual Training/Advice


This course assists Northern Irish churches, places of worship, charities and organisations to develop a broad and sound understanding of the safeguarding task specifically in relation to children and young people. This course is designed to equip you with the necessary tools to create robust safeguarding arrangements. Anyone who works or volunteers directly with children and young people will benefit, such as crèche workers and children and youth workers.
09 May 2022

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  • Leigh McFarlane
  • Jules Loveland