Independent safeguarding specialists

Help offered

Thirtyone:eight is an independent charity who work across the faith and charity sectors by supporting individuals, organisations and community groups to protect vulnerable people from abuse. Our vision is a world where every child and adult can feel, and be, safe. It’s a big vision, but it’s what drives us because we believe that when a person or organisation shares this vision, transformation takes place, safer places are created and people’s lives are impacted for the better. To help achieve our vision, we provide organisations with a complete safeguarding solution, making sure everyone is equipped and empowered with the tools they need.  Our services include:

  • Safeguarding helpline - 0303 0031111 (option 2) 7am-midnight, seven days per week 
  • AccessNI umbrella body
  • Safeguarding training at foundation, advanced and specialist levels (bespoke training options also available)
  • Online safeguarding manual
  • Specialist safeguarding research
  • Consultancy services
  • Safeguarding audits
  • Crisis management
  • Past case reviews
  • Expert witness service
  • Listening Service
  • International child protection services
  • Research

We are leading experts in safeguarding; working with governments, academics, churches, charities and other organisations to inform legislation and promote high standards in safeguarding practice. All our services are offered within the Northern Irish context.

How to access this support

Support can be accessed by:

Contacting our Helpline on 0303 003111

Email [email protected]

Visiting our website https@//

Contact Name
Leigh McFarlane
Email Address
Telephone number
Supported Age Groups
thirtyone:eight.  Creating safer spaces.  Together.
