Specialisterne NI

Specialisterne NI

Specialisterne NI,
United Kingdom

Contact Details

Sharon Didrichsen


Opening Hours

Monday-Friday 9am-5:30pm

Weekend Communication Workshops available upon request

A specialist recruitment, training and support consultancy that is not for private profit. Specialisterne supports people on the Autistic Spectrum to prepare for, secure and sustain employment by enabling a culture of mutual understanding.

Specialisterne NI is a specialist recruitment, training and support consultancy that is not for private profit. As the local expression of the Specialist People Foundation, we contribute to a global ambition to secure one million jobs for people on the Autistic Spectrum.

In N Ireland Specialisterne opened in April 2014. The Specialisterne NI team have all studied Autism to Masters level and have worked with over 200 adults on the Autistic Spectrum, working to help adults on the Autistic Spectrum prepare for, secure and sustain job roles.

Training workshops:

In order to create environments in which Autistic people can thrive, Specialisterne have developed innovative training which they have delivered to 300 managers this year alone, in both public and private sectors, and to senior management level. Specialisterne training workshops aim to give participants the confidence to work with employees or clients who are on the Autistic Spectrum, or who have related social communication differences. A professional actor works with the Specialisterne NI team to act out communication scenarios, which are then used to explain patterns of behaviour experienced by people on the Autistic Spectrum.

Specialisterne has delivered training to careers and employability teams across NI universities, colleges, advising on a National Employability Forum, and also has delivered workshops for disability and support organisation clients. Our training team provide daily support to adults on the Autistic Spectrum, and, having a background in recruitment consultancy, bring an understanding of employer needs and expectations. 


Social Communication Profiling:

Specialisterne provide Social Communication Profiling through Lego Workshops where participants build Lego Robots in teams. Autism Specialists through observation, prepare Social Communication Profiles which help participants develop employability and self-knowledge. With permission the profile can be shared with the voluntary or support organisation contact so that the participant's support can be tailored to their social communication, skills, and support needs.

Communication Workshops:

Communication Coaching can be delivered at Specialisterne NI's offices or on site for organisations, such as those in the voluntary and community sectors.  Coaching can be delivered in one-to-one sessions with individuals or in group workshops.  By bringing together participants to learn about social communication strategies we create opportunities for peer learning as well as a feel-good workshop where diversity is celebrated and communication explored.


In work support:

Specialisterne NI supports students on the Autistic Spectrum and graduates to secure and sustain skilled level jobs. Specialisterne delivers in-work support to employees on the Autistic Spectrum through DFC Access to Work.

Community Initiatives:

Specialisterne NI has worked with DCAL and OFMDFM to deliver initiatives that celebrate the Autistic Community and help develop a sense of connectedness and community voice.

For further details or to book, contact Sharon Didrichsen on 07565 936191 email: sharond@specialisterne.com



Specialisterne NI's Content

Dec 18 11:59pm

Specialisterne NI New Website Development

Specialisterne NI

We are seeking quotes for the redesign of the Specialisterne NI website, creating a streamlined, user-friendly digital platform. This platform will serve as a primary touchpoint, allowing users to easily assess support, training, and opportunities.
Seminar Workshop

Specialisterne NI

#10 years #20 years: A celebration and conversation with Dr Peter Vermeulen 5th September 2024, 12pm-2pm A celebration of supporting the autistic community and employers for 10 years in N Ireland and for 20 years across the world, in conversation with Dr Peter Vermeulen. Dr. Peter Vermeulen, PhD in Psychology and Clinical Educational Sciences, has more than 35 years of experience in the field of autism. Peter is an internationally respected lecturer, and he presents all over the world. Peter wrote more than 15 books and several articles on autism, some of them translated into more than 10 languages. For his +30 years of work in the field of autism, he received in 2019 Lifetime Achievement Award for his more than 30 years contribution to the autism community in Belgium.
05 September 2024

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  • Sharon Didrichsen