Northern Ireland Alternatives

Northern Ireland Alternatives

137 Agnes Street
BT13 1GG
United Kingdom

Opening Hours

Monday- Friday 9am-5pm

Northern Ireland Alternatives (NIA) is a government accredited restorative justice programme that aims to promote and develop non-violent community responses to the issues of low-level crime and anti-social behaviour in areas across Northern Ireland. We currently have branches in North Belfast, Greater Shankill, East Belfast, South Belfast and North Down.

Northern Ireland Alternatives's Services

COVID-19 Response

Northern Ireland Alternatives

137 Agnes Street, BT13 1GG Belfast

COVID-19 Service

Family Support Hub

Northern Ireland Alternatives

Isthmus House, Belfast, BT6 9AS

COVID-19 Service

Northern Ireland Alternatives's Content

Job | Full Time

East Belfast Alternatives Project Worker

Northern Ireland Alternatives


More Information

Type of Organisation


Company Number

Northern Ireland Alternatives


  • Ben Johnston