Job | Full Time

East Belfast Alternatives Project Worker

Northern Ireland Alternatives

Northern Ireland Alternatives is the centrally co-ordinating body for community-based restorative initiatives and has an offices in North Belfast, South Belfast, East Belfast, Greater Shankill, Bangor, East Antrim, Mid-Ulster, and Portadown. Northern Ireland Alternatives wishes to recruit the following post; East Belfast Alternatives Project Worker. The Project Worker will be responsible for the co-ordination, delivery and administration for the SAFE (Safer Areas for Everyone) and the STARS (Striving Towards a Restorative Society) Projects (funded by Communities in Transition).

This post requires a 3rd level qualification in a related field and two years’ experience in youth and community work OR a minimum of three experience in the field of community and/or youth work.


This post is funded until the 31st of March 2027.


For an application pack please email Northern Ireland Alternatives Admin at


Closing Date

Monday / 13 January 2025

Contact Details

137 Agnes Street
United Kingdom

More Information

Interviews will take place on Wednesday 22nd January 2025. 

funded by Communities in Transition