Men's Action Network (MAN)

Men's Action Network (MAN)

2nd Floor Old City Factory
100 Patrick Street
BT48 7EL
United Kingdom

Contact Details

Opening Hours

9am-5pm Monday to Friday


The Group is established to support and promote the health and well-being of male health in the North West area of Northern Ireland and to offer advice, counselling and support in a range of issues such as health education and health promotion.

Our objectives are to:

Stimulate the growth of community self-help initiatives among men in the North-West Area

Facilitate communication between men on issues relating to their health, well-being and changing role in society and to help establish such facilities/services deemed necessary

Seek to create new services to meet the current emotional, physical and mental health needs of men

Seek to create pre-emptive support as well as active response to men experiencing crisis

Provide information on issues relating directly to men's health and well-being.

Help promote the holistic well - being of society through the participation of men in self- help groups, which foster respect for both men and women equally.

Work in conjunction with women's organisations and other relevant groups towards mutual understanding, social inclusion and equality.


MAN  offer one to one support/counselling , phone helpline, self-help groups ,anger awareness programmes ,prostate cancer  counselling support service , male domestic and sexual  abuse support, support for fathers re relationship problems ,themed residentials , MOT health checks,  men’s health awareness events , advocacy and networking towards greater awareness  of male issues to/for other groups voluntary , private and statutory

Men's Action Network (MAN)'s Services

men's health and wellbeing

Men's Action Network (MAN)

2nd Floor Old City Factory, 100 Patrick Street, Derry, BT48 7EL

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  • Isaac Pratdesava