c/o Graeme Hughes (Brabners LLP), Horton House
Exchange Flags, Liverpool
L2 3YL
United Kingdom

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Our Vision

A world where all young people flourish, regardless of their background.

Who We Are

LTSB is a social mobility charity that works with bright young people from disadvantaged backgrounds, ensuring they find meaningful, skilled careers – and that firms get positive, effective employees who can make a difference from their first day.
Our four key responsibilities are:

• Promoting opportunities to those from backgrounds that are not normally reached
• Preparing young people for the workplace, and the workplace for young people
• Providing context for their application, and stewarding the hiring process
• Pastoral care – an additional support network for the first phase of their career

We don’t just get young people jobs. We launch careers. When diverse talent is given preparation and support, they don’t just get by, they thrive – and that means more representative management which can better train and retain a more representative workforce.

For historic information, please see our Impact Report on our website:

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