Include Youth

Include Youth

100 GPS
100 Great Patrick Street
United Kingdom

Opening Hours

9.30 am to 5.00 pm Monday to Friday

Include Youth is a rights-based charity for children and young people in or leaving care, from disadvantaged communities or whose rights are not being met. We work to improve employability, personal and social development enhancing inclusion, integration and good relations. Include Youth influences public policy led by the voice of children and young people, evidence based practice and international children’s rights standards.

Our work is underpinned by 4 core values; Equality, Inclusion, Opportunity and Integrity.



We work with young people aged 14-24 across Northern Ireland. Many young people we work with have left school with little or no qualifications, are care-experienced and may be at risk of child sexual exploitation. We provide a safe space for young people, rebuilding their confidence, developing life-skills, enhancing employability skills and providing life changing opportunities.



We influence public policy that has an impact on young people’s lives.  All our work is underpinned by the voice of children and young people and evidence-based practice which enables us to produce well-informed and researched publications, including briefing papers, submissions to public consultations, young people’s submissions and manifestos. Our work is founded on the voice of young people, listening and actively campaigning in their best interests.



We believe in continued professional develop and have created a suite of accredited and awareness sessions that we can deliver. Topics include: Awareness raising workshop on Child Sexual Exploitation, OCN NI Level 2 in Understanding Child Sexual Exploitation, Awareness raising workshop on supporting Care Experienced Children and Young people, OCN NI Level 4 in Supporting Care Experienced Children and Young People OCN NI Level 2 in Mentoring Practice


Our main offices are based in Belfast, Lisburn, Armagh, Ballymena, Derry/Londonderry and Omagh.

Socials @includeyouth


Include Youth's Content


Include Youth

A 49-year-old 'oldskool raver' from Coleraine has raised £740 for Include Youth from a charity rave at the Atlantic Bar, Portrush.


Include Youth

A 49-year-old 'oldskool raver' from Coleraine has raised £740 for Include Youth from a charity rave at the Atlantic Bar, Portrush.


Include Youth

ALMOST 40 young people involved in an employability programme launched a ‘Youth Manifesto’ on Thursday, asking new and returned MLAs to make a commitment young people.


Include Youth

Welcoming the new Assembly members Paula Rodgers, policy coordinator at Include Youth, said:


Include Youth

Paddy Mooney, director at Include Youth, on his back office collaboration with VIable Corporate Services - a social enterprise.


Include Youth

(More than)-Five Ways to Wellbeing...


Include Youth

YOUNG people involved in our Give & Take Scheme: Core and Employability Service have been taking part in different activities to mark Northern Ireland's first ever Care Day on February 19 2016.


Include Youth

More than 350 young people aged 16 to 21 in care in Northern Ireland are not in education, employment or training at any one time.


Include Youth

To coincide with Care Day on February 19 2016 young people involved in our Give & Take:Core are taking part in a superhero workshop in The Factory at The MAC with Revolve Comics.


Include Youth

TO MARK National Care Leavers’ Week young people from an innovative employability-mentoring programme spent a day work shadowing members of the Employment and Learning Committee at Stormont.

More Information

Type of Organisation


Company Number

NI 38084

NI Charity Number



  • Jackie Hynds