Our Back Office

Paddy Mooney, director at Include Youth, on his back office collaboration with VIable Corporate Services - a social enterprise.

At the beginning of the last fiscal year we launched a social enterprise in partnership with VOYPIC, our friends, partners and colleagues, as a means of reducing organisational costs.

A difficult funding climate coupled with just as much demand for our direct services to vulnerable children and young people meant both organisations needed to make cost efficiencies in order to remain effective and sustainable.

Working with VOYPIC the idea of VIable Corporate Services was born, established so that we could share back office services in the first instance before rolling them out to others once up and running. Both organisations fed into the initial design and development of VIable and became the first pilots of the social enterprise.

Now well established, VIable has worked with us to deliver a range of corporate services functions including the management of our payroll, invoice processing and financial reporting. They conducted a human resources audit for us and continue to provide ongoing human resources support so that our practices are in line with current standards and legislation and our recruitment processes streamlined.

They're also facilitating our three year strategic planning process and supporting us to develop HR and Finance annual operational plans alongside budgets.

VIable provided project management during our move to new premises in Derry and are helping us locate a new premise in Ballymena. At the moment they're also developing a feasibility plan for our work in Belfast to enable us to identify a shared building that can deliver collaborative youth services.

We're so proud to see VIable grow to accommodate a team of four, each with experience in delivering and supporting third sector organsiations.

The social enterprise has now launched its corporate services portfolio into the sector, strengthened by the knowledge and expertise they have gained through their collaborations to date, to help address needs and provide services to other voluntary and community sector organisations. As their service continues to grow, the profits made will be invested back into the services delivered by VOYPIC and Include Youth.

Click here for more information about the work of VIable or follow them on Twitter.

Last updated 8 years 3 months ago