Hope 4 ME & Fibro Northern Ireland

Hope 4 ME & Fibro Northern Ireland

25-27 McShanes Road
United Kingdom

Contact Details

Joan McParland


Opening Hours

24 hour FaceBook chat

Enquiry line: Weekdays 2pm-4pm

Office: Weekdays          2pm-4pm

Hope 4 M.E. & Fibromyalgia Northern Ireland is a registered charity run by patients and volunteers. We receive no core government funding and rely entirely on small grants and voluntary donations to operate.  

The support group was set up by Joan McParland in 2011 and gained charitable status in 2014.Activities:

  1. Monthly support meetings on the 1st Tuesday of each month in the Mourne Country Hotel, Newry, at 7pm with regular guest speakers. Most monthly meeting speakers are livestreamed and  recorded and  to view on the special member's page, this facility makes it possible for house/bed bound members to take part in all or most of our activities.
  2. Annual Conferences with international researchers and leading experts in ME & Fibro.
  3. Lobbying for Specialist Biomedical Care in N.Ireland. So that best physiological evidence is used to inform care decisions.
  4. Fundraising to support above & towards biomedical research
  5. Facebook Page: Hope 4 ME & Fibro Northern Ireland-Announcement's Page
  6. Facebook Chat: Hope 4 ME & Fibro
  7. Webpage: hppt/hope4mefibro.org/
  8. Email: hope4mefibro@outlook.com

Hope 4 ME & Fibro Northern Ireland's Content


Hope 4 ME & Fibro Northern Ireland

Who is this event for? - All health and social care students and professionals, including those working or providing input into educational and occupational health services. Commissioners.

Hope 4 ME & Fibro Northern Ireland

What happens when design flaws are discovered in U.K. ME/CFS research, and future treatments depend on ethical research?
05 November 2019

More Information

Type of Organisation

