Hope 4 Life NI

Hope 4 Life NI believes that everyone has a basic right to good mental health; our emphasis as an organisation is on prevention and early intervention programmes and services across Northern Ireland; our drive, passion and commitment has been shown with over 50,000 children and young people supported by our highly creative and innovative Uberheroes Comic Workshops. We have also worked with over 10,000 Adults who have been supported through our accredited, and bespoke training programmes, together we aren't only working for this right to become a reality but have delivered outstanding outcomes and impacts across NI over the past 9 years.

Why do we wait for our children, young people and adults to present with a mental health issue... Our approach is one of Prevention and Early Intervention - as the old saying goes, Prevention is always better than Cure!

Many of our programmes have been created by our highly qualified and experienced teams, whenever we have witnessed or our research has clearly indicated a need, we have in every instance gone to the cohort group who we are wanting to support. For instance, when we created our Uberheroes programme, we formed a new children and young peoples committee, we met together for 18 weeks, we reviewed the research, considered the issues and targeted the approach based on the needs of this group. We created an outline that we could present to over 600 children and young people across NI in both rural and urban areas and conducted Focus Groups with this cohort. It was a very logical step for us to take, in reaching out to those who we aimed to help, we asked for their opinions, amendments or suggestions, ensuring that they were heard, before reviewing all their suggestions and creating a programme that they had specifically asked for. We then took this fully formed programme and delivered it back to the same 600+ children and young people as our Proof of Concept.

This is our model for every programme we create, whether this is for children, young people or adults all of our programmes apply a prevention and early intervention approach to promote positive mental health, create an environment of trust, ensuring that everyone is given a platform to share either through open discussions or through a personal disclosure with our staff teams or through our online support services. 

We work with individual schools, community groups and third sector organisations as well as Corporate, SME and Public Sector organisations to educate, empower and improve the mental health and wellbeing of all who use our services.

We pledge to continue to work tirelessly to continue to research and develop new and innovative programmes that can enable as many people as possible, to improve the lives of our local communities, through evidence from local, national and global research, to underpin our vision and mission that Prevention and Early Intervention is the key to reducing the ever increasing issues facing individuals within our country.

To quote an old saying, that for us at Hope 4 Life NI believe is a perfect analogy for the work that we do:-

"Why do we keep pulling our people out of the river, when we could simply go upstream and stop them from falling in, in the first place!"

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Youth Development Manager

Hope 4 Life NI

£23,400 Pro-rata - £15,600 Part-time contract Real Living Wage Employer
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Hope 4 Life NI

Hope 4 Life NI


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  • Dee Nixon