Fermanagh Women's Aid

Fermanagh Women's Aid

Darling Street
BT74 7DP
United Kingdom

Opening Hours

9.00 am to 5.00 pm Monday to Thursday

9.00 am to 4.00 pm Friday

Fermanagh Women's Aid provides a range of services for women and children who are or have been Domestic and Sexual Violence victims and survivors in the Fermanagh area. It exists to challenge attitudes and beliefs which perpetuate Domestic Violence and Sexual Abuse. Fermanagh Women’s Aid’s (FWA) vision for the 21st Century is the elimination of Domestic and Sexual Violence and all forms of gender-based violence. Fermanagh Women’s Aid is affiliated to Women’s Aid Federation Northern Ireland and is the lead voluntary organisation challenging and addressing Domestic and Sexual Violence and Abuse in Fermanagh.

The work of Fermanagh Women’s Aid focuses on; collaborative partnership working, prevention for children and young people, one to one support for women and children who have experienced abuse, providing emergency accommodation and safeguarding vulnerable adults and children. The services we offer are;

•    Safe, secure emergency accommodation. 
•    Advocacy and practical support with legal, health (physical / mental), financial and housing issues.
•    Emotional support for both women and children. 
•    Safety planning and risk management. 
•    Liaising with other agencies, including police, social services, NIHE and health workers, to ensure a joined-up approach to women and children’s safety. 
•    Training and Education on the issues and myths that exist around Domestic Violence, in addition to training other professions and the wider public.

Fermanagh Women's Aid's Content

Board Membership

Trustee for Fermanagh Women's Aid

Fermanagh Women's Aid

Job | Temporary

Floating Support Worker

Fermanagh Women's Aid

£23,620.00 per annum for a 37.5 hour week

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Type of Organisation




Company Number


NI Charity Number



  • Fionnuala Donegan