Dementia Friendly East Belfast

55 Templemore Avenue
United Kingdom

Dementia Friendly East Belfast is a voluntary campaign to make East Belfast a friendlier place for people living with dementia, their families and friends, and older people. The campaign includes groups such as the Alzheimer’s Society, Dementia NI, businesses, church groups and people living with dementia. The campaign is supported by Belfast Health and Social Care Trust, the Public Health Agency, and it is actively engaged with a number of facilities that support people living with dementia such as Mullen Mews and Syndenham Court. This is an open campaign - anyone or any group that would like to become involved, please email is on or telephone 028 9073 5696 :-)

Dementia Friendly East Belfast's mission is:  People living with dementia in East Belfast feel empowered, valued, safe and supported to live full independent lives.

The mission is: To work within the East Belfast community to increase awareness and understanding, inclusion and support for people living with dementia.

The vision and mission are being achieved through an Action Plan which, for 2018, has the following priorities:

  1. In East Belfast there will be greater awareness and understanding of dementia and positive ageing, achieved through awareness raising sessions, information hubs, training, and promoting dementia friendly practices.
  2. People living with dementia will be actively involved in the East Belfast community, through increased engagement, and undertaking inter-generational activities.
  3. People living with dementia and their families and friends have better access to services, through identifying gaps, researching better ways to work with people living with dementia, and communicating through the media.

The activities top date have included all Belfast members of the NI Fire and Rescue Service receiving dementia friendly training, 35 info hubs across East Belfast, interactive dementia training presented at the RADAR Centre, and ongoing promotion of BHSCT's Dementia Navigator service.

To find out more:

Find us on Facebook:  DementiaFriendlyEastBelfast

Follow us on Twitter:  @DementiaEastBel

Telephone:  028 9073 5696

Dementia Friendly East Belfast's Content


Dementia Friendly East Belfast

Dementia Friendly East Belfast is offering Free Interactive Dementia Training at the RADAR Centre on Wednesday 17th April at 2pm. The training takes participants to a range of settings to learn how small changes can make a big difference. Training is delivered by a range of agencies including Alzheimer's Society and Belfast Health and Social Care Trust.
17 April 2019

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NI Charity Number



  • Eamon Quinn