Colin Neighbourhood Partnership

Colin Neighbourhood Partnership

Colin Neighbourhood Partnership
Cloona House
BT17 0LG
United Kingdom

Opening Hours

Mon - Thursday: 9.00am - 5.00pm
Friday: 9.00am - 4.30pm

Cloona House also opens in the evenings and weekends when an event is booked to take place. 

Colin Neighbourhood Partnership (CNP) is an award-winning community group based in the Colin area of West Belfast. The Partnership consists of local people & organisations, elected & community representatives, and government bodies.

CNP was set up by local people living and working in the Colin area who wanted to see positive change in their community. Today, all these organisations work together in partnership to address issues which affect people living in the Colin neighbourhood.

The Colin area is located on the outskirts of greater West Belfast and currently within the Lisburn City Council local government boundaries. It has a population of almost 30,000 people and is comprised of four distinct areas – Twinbrook, Poleglass, Lagmore and Kilwee. A large portion of Colin falls under the Department of Social Development’s designated Neighbourhood Renewal Area.

CNP employs 18 members of staff managed by Annie Armstrong and operates six sub-groups which focus on Education; Health for All; Community Safety; Environment and Recreation; Youth; and Economic Regeneration.

CNP proactively initiates and manages a vast array of projects and initiatives covering arts and culture, community safety, environment, family support, and health and wellbeing. Some of the services CNP provides include:

- Family Support

- Early Intervention

- Father’s Support

- Volunteer Opportunities

- Allotment schemes

- Services for young people with disabilities

- Men’s health and wellbeing

- Community safety initiatives

- Arts and cultural events

- Good Morning Colin telephone service

- EnviroCare gardening service

- Colin Care domiciliary care service


CNP runs a busy calendar of community events throughout the year, for more info visit Consider signing up to CNP’s email subscription service by emailing the Marketing and Communications Officer,


If you need any more information about the services provided by Colin Neighbourhood Partnership please contact:


Colin Neighbourhood Partnership

Cloona House

31 Colin Road




t: 028 9062 3813




Facebook: facebook/colinneighbourhoodpartnership

Twitter: @CNPartnership 


Colin Neighbourhood Partnership's Services

Daily calls for elderly and vulnerable residents

Colin Neighbourhood Partnership

Colin Neighbourhood Partnership Cloona House Belfast BT17 0LG

COVID-19 Service

Food Parcels + Essentials

Colin Neighbourhood Partnership

Colin Neighbourhood Partnership Cloona House Belfast BT17 0LG

COVID-19 Service

Colin Neighbourhood Partnership's Content


Colin Neighbourhood Partnership

Preparations are well under way in the Colin area of West Belfast as Colin Neighbourhood Partnership puts the finishing touches to their festive family events being held this December.

Colin Neighbourhood Partnership

The Colin Summer Festival promises to be even bigger and better this year with a host of fun-filled activities for all the family in the Colin area of West Belfast.

Colin Neighbourhood Partnership

The Changing Lives Initiative is an innovative new early intervention programme supporting families affected by Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

Colin Neighbourhood Partnership

The Colin Connect Transport Hub and Colin Town Square was officially launched yesterday at a celebratory ceremony attended by Department for Infrastructure, The Executive Office, Translink, community representatives and the local Colin community.

Colin Neighbourhood Partnership

Families gathered at the new Colin Town Square recently for the annual Christmas festivities and Christmas lights switch-on.

Colin Neighbourhood Partnership

Local families will enjoy a special festive treat when Santa arrives to the new Colin town square on Thursday 13th December. Santa will be making use of the Glider to arrive and will switch on the lights of the Colin Christmas tree. Local children and parents will have an opportunity to get their photo taken with Santa in the new rapid transport HUB and receive a small gift.
13 December 2018

Colin Neighbourhood Partnership

Local families will enjoy a special festive treat when Santa arrives to the new Colin town square on Thursday 13th December. Santa will be making use of the Glider to arrive and will switch on the lights of the Colin Christmas tree. Local children and parents will have an opportunity to get their photo taken with Santa in the new rapid transport HUB and receive a small gift.
13 December 2018

More Information

Type of Organisation



  • Emma Toner