Official Launch of Colin Connect Transport Hub and Colin Town Square

The Colin Connect Transport Hub and Colin Town Square was officially launched yesterday at a celebratory ceremony attended by Department for Infrastructure, The Executive Office, Translink, community representatives and the local Colin community.

The new transport hub and civic square forms part of a major investment in the Colin area which is being supported through the Urban Villages Initiative. The Colin Connect Transport Hub has already improved the physical environment and offers new connections linking West Belfast, East Belfast and Titanic Quarter via the city centre on the Translink Glider service. The hub also includes two community spaces which will be managed by Colin Neighbourhood Partnership, who will also use the civic square to host a variety of public events and community activities.

Collaboration was key to delivery of these major developments in the Colin Area. Community representatives were consulted at every stage from conception to completion to ensure it met the needs of the local community and it is this joined up approach that enabled the delivery of this transformational project.

Speaking at the event Mark Browne, Director of Strategic Policy, Equality & Good Relations at the Executive Office said;

 “I am thrilled to be here today to officially open the Colin Connect Transport Hub and Colin Town Square. This new facility presents a fantastic opportunity for the people in the Colin area and it will be a tremendous asset for the entire community. It will not only help to connect the people who live in the Colin area, it will also serve as a gateway to the rest of Belfast and beyond.

“The Urban Villages Initiative, through The Executive Office, is continuing to invest in the Colin Urban Village area through a number of other projects including the new park in Colin, also on the Stewartstown Road. This high quality destination park, which has just received planning permission, will see a further £5million investment in the area and will attract visitors to the area from far and wide.”

Annie Armstrong, Manager, Colin Neighbourhood Partnership added: “We are delighted to see our ambitious plans come to fruition. This is such a positive boost for the Colin area. In addition to the new transport system which has already massively improved accessibility and connectivity with other parts of Belfast, the civic square will provide us with a great venue to host a range of events for people living or visiting the Colin area.”

“It is important to note however, that this is only a small part of the overall masterplan for Colin.  We look forward to receiving the same commitment from other government departments to deliver on the remaining of our masterplan for the Colin area.”

Last updated 6 years ago