Belfast Samaritans
Belfast Samaritans
5 Wellesley Avenue
United Kingdom
Contact Details
For all enquiries about volunteering, requests for speakers or other administrative matters please contact us via our administration line or email address.
Please note that we cannot offer emotional support on these details - to access our support services please see details at:
Opening Hours
Available by telephone 24 hours a day every day on freecall 116123. Please see website for availability and access to online services
Volunteers drawn from across the community and from all walks of life come together to support our callers whenever they need us. Since 1961, Samaritans has served the people of Greater Belfast and beyond. We're available every day - 24/7 by phone, online chat and email
Samaritans provides confidential non-judgemental support, 24 hours a day for people experiencing feelings of distress or despair, including those that could lead to suicide
Follow us on Twitter : @belfastsams
Belfast Samaritans's Content
More Information
Type of Organisation
VCSECompany Number
NI644575NI Charity Number
- Robert Bell
- Robert Bell
- Heather Cardosi