7th Heaven Animal Rescue Trust

7th Heaven Animal Rescue Trust

PO Box 198,
BT36 9BP
United Kingdom

Contact Details

Stephen McMurray

Opening Hours

By appointment

We rescue, care for and rehome abandoned and unwanted animals. We are a totally voluntary organisation and we do not charge for any of our animals. We also run a pet food bank for pet owners in financial difficulty and a canine matchmaking service.

7th Heaven Animal Rescue Trust was founded in 2003 to rescue, care for and eventually re-home abandoned and unwanted pets. Our philosophy is always to put the welfare of the animal above all other concerns be they financial, personal or political.

We are a totally voluntary organisation with no paid staff. We do not charge for animals as we do not believe they are commodities to be bought and sold.

We run a canine matchmaking service for people that need their dog to be rehomed but are concerned where they will end up and don't want them going into kennels.

We also run a pet food bank to help pet owners that are struggling to feed their animals due to financial difficulty.

7th Heaven Animal Rescue Trust's Services

Made in Heaven- free Matchmaking Service - Animal Rescue: Newtownabbey

7th Heaven Animal Rescue Trust

PO Box 198, Newtownabbey, BT36 9PB

COVID-19 Service

Pet Food Bank & Project Wildcat Schemes

7th Heaven Animal Rescue Trust

PO Box 198 Newtownabbey BT36 9BP

COVID-19 Service

7th Heaven Animal Rescue Trust's Content


7th Heaven Animal Rescue Trust

Furry Festive Gift Giveaway Are you elderly person who owns a pet who would like a Christmas gift for them? Or do you know someone elderly who owns a pet? Please email us to animalrescuetrust@hotmail.com by 12 December (extended). Details of what we need are in our poster. Please share.
28 November - 19 December 2021

7th Heaven Animal Rescue Trust

We offer to promote Pet Friendly Landlords for free, We try to help find pet friendly hosing for those in crisis. We do not charge for this service.

More Information

Type of Organisation


NI Charity Number



  • stephen mcmurray