Job | Full Time

Youth Worker (Out Generation) Ref: HUYWDDFT24 Covering Derry, Donegal, Fermanagh and Tyrone

Include Youth

Salary: ROI - €35,887 NI - £27,741
Include Youth is a rights-based charity for children and young people in or leaving care, from disadvantaged communities or whose rights are not being met. We work to improve employability, personal and social development enhancing inclusion, integration and good relations. Include Youth influences public policy led by the voice of children and young people, evidence based practice and international children’s rights standards

Include Youth is recruiting a youth worker for our Heads-Up programme (Our Generation).  We are seeking a caring and passionate individual to join our dynamic team in Derry, Donegal, Fermanagh and Tyrone areas.  The role will involve working to support care experienced/young people from disadvantaged backgrounds through a positive mental health programme, 1-2-1 mentoring and youth leadership.  The post involves group work and 1-2-1 work, assessing and supporting the needs of young people through mental health.

Closing Date

Monday / 02 September 2024

Contact Details


More Information


app form DerryDonegalFermanaghTyrone.docx Equal Opportunities Monitoring Derry Donegal.doc Our Generation DerryDonegalFermanaghTyrone (2).pdf

Peace Plus Our Generation

PEACE PLUS / Our Generation