Job | Full Time

Youth Worker in Charge

Lower Ormeau Residents Action Group

Information, Advice & Advocacy
£36,124 NJC SO 1 Pts 23-25
The Youth Worker will ensure the successful operation and co-ordination of the Centre’s programme of offer. They will have direct responsibility for the day-to-day management of the Youth Centre and will maximise the use of the Centre by young people for agreed purposes, in line with Board policies.

LORAG (Lower Ormeau Residents Action Group) is a needs led community development organisation, founded in 1987 to support the residents and community of the Lower Ormeau.  LORAG have managed Shaftesbury Community and Recreation Centre, a council owned facility since 2000, successfully growing the services delivered from the centre from 20 hours per week to 94 hours, sustaining 26 jobs, serving the needs of the community. 

LORAG has successfully undertook the redevelopment of the John Murray Lockhouse as a Healthy Living Hub, Community Garden, Shed, Boat Store and River access point, at a cost of £2.8 million.  The project is currently under construction

Following closure of the purpose-built St John Vianney Youth Centre in October 2023, LORAG, in partnership with other key stakeholders is tasked with reopening and strengthening this facility for the delivery of area-based programmes, funded by the Education Authority. 

Incoming staff will be employed under NJC (National Joint Council) for Local Governments Services terms and conditions however it is intended that youth staff will transition to JNA terms as the services becomes reestablished within youth services.

Initially the programme will consist of 6 x 3-hour sessions 4 of which will be delivered during evening periods reaching 35 children and young people aged 9 – 18 years. 

The successful candidate will be tasked with growing the services to meet the needs of the area and will be assisted in this task by the wider LORAG teams.

Closing Date

Friday / 24 January 2025

Contact Details

97 Balfour Avenue
United Kingdom


Youth Worker II -Centre Based Job Description Person Spec (Amended 23 Dec).docx Application Youth Worker II in Charge (Amended).docx LORAG Declaration and Consent Form_3.docx