Family Support Worker

8 support services available across this Council. View services available across Northern Ireland

Unit 7, McKibbin House
Eastbank Road
United Kingdom

The Child Brain Injury Trust is the leading voluntary sector organisation providing non-medical services to families and professionals affected by childhood acquired brain injury across the UK. We operate in England, Scotland Wales and Northern Ireland.

Counselling All Nations Services (CANS)

The board of CANS would like to invite the general public to a workshop on the mental health needs of people from BAME communities on Monday July 29th at 1pm, in the Queen’s University, Elmwood Building, Elmwood Avenue, 0G/033. Belfast. BT7 1NN. We have had a similar workshop in Dungannon, Derry – Londonderry and have recorded a very important perspective into our data collection for both areas.
29 July 2019
Informal Meetup

Positive Futures

Positive Futures, A leading Northern Ireland charity supporting people with a learning disability, acquired brain injury, or autistic spectrum condition is opening a new Childrens Residential Service in Coleraine. We need to recruit a new team to set up and run the Service so we are holding an open recruitment event at Coleraine Job Centre where you can talk to our team about the roles we have on offer and even be interiewed for a job at the event.
28 January 2020
Informal Meetup Training/Advice

Positive Futures

We are expanding and looking to recruit staff. If you are interested in finding out about the roles we have to offer come and see us at one of our recruitment events on the Ards Peninsula. You will be able to complete an application at the event and, if short listed, be interviewed there and then, or at a later date if it suits you.
25 November 2019
Informal Meetup

Positive Futures

Interested in a career in care? We are expanding our services and need kind, caring and patient people for support worker roles. Come and see us at our recruitment event, talk to our staff and if you are interested in a role we may even be able to interview you there and then.
29 January 2020
Informal Meetup

Positive Futures

Interested in a career in care? We are expanding our services and need kind, caring and patient people for support worker roles. Come and see us at our recruitment event, talk to our staff and if you are interested in a role we may even be able to interview you there and then.
28 January 2020
Job | Full Time

Trainee Family Support Worker/ JUL02

ABBEY Sure Start

Conference Online / Virtual Seminar Training/Advice
Money Guiders are holding an event to discuss steps you can take as staff to manage your own wellbeing. We know that front line practitioners of Northern Ireland will be having difficult conversations about money guidance, so we want to offer support and time to recognise that. We welcome everyone to our network. So please spread the word so that we can grow and support as many practitioners as possible! Registration on the network is free and takes 5 minutes - via this link: – Our Network is growing weekly offering a rich variety of money guidance support for our unregulated Money Guiders Community. We encourage our community to use the joined up services of the network to help support you with whatever questions or challenges you face in your support roles. This may be directly or indirectly linked to money advice however every question is important - just email your question to or Once we receive your question we will search our network for experienced or expert advise and arrange a 20 minute conversation for you to get the support you need. Completely free, funded by the Money and Pension Service (Maps) Registering on the network also gives you access to the many tools and resources such as Money Helper on our MaPS website. The Money Guidance Network Northern Ireland is part of the greater Network of money guidance across the four nations, England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. By joining our network you will be kept up to date with the latest guidance and advise across the Network.
10 December 2021