Conference Online / Virtual Seminar Training/Advice

Winter Wellbeing Northern Ireland: Life skills & Stress management 10th of December at 11am

Cost: FREE
Money Guiders are holding an event to discuss steps you can take as staff to manage your own wellbeing. We know that front line practitioners of Northern Ireland will be having difficult conversations about money guidance, so we want to offer support and time to recognise that. We welcome everyone to our network. So please spread the word so that we can grow and support as many practitioners as possible! Registration on the network is free and takes 5 minutes - via this link: – Our Network is growing weekly offering a rich variety of money guidance support for our unregulated Money Guiders Community. We encourage our community to use the joined up services of the network to help support you with whatever questions or challenges you face in your support roles. This may be directly or indirectly linked to money advice however every question is important - just email your question to or Once we receive your question we will search our network for experienced or expert advise and arrange a 20 minute conversation for you to get the support you need. Completely free, funded by the Money and Pension Service (Maps) Registering on the network also gives you access to the many tools and resources such as Money Helper on our MaPS website. The Money Guidance Network Northern Ireland is part of the greater Network of money guidance across the four nations, England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. By joining our network you will be kept up to date with the latest guidance and advise across the Network.

Our Money Guiders Partnership manager Valerie Hillen will be in attendance to discuss steps you can take as staff to manage your own wellbeing. We will look at preventive measures to help with stress and avoid burn out. Tips on proven techniques to engage someone who is stressed or anxious because of money worries and the impact on their mental health.  We know that front line practitioners of Northern Ireland will be having difficult conversations about money guidance, so we want to offer support and time to recognise that.  We have also invited CAPNI life skills coach and debt manager to discuss practical money advice that will empower the money guidance conversations to go further.  There will be learning materials provided after the session. 

I would love to if you could pass on our registration link for others in your organisation you feel would benefit from our free network via this link: – The larger our community the stronger the support  is that we can offer to our Money Guiders Community

By Joining our Network 

You will be included in our monthly Newsletter mailings/calendar invites and any emails notifying you of sessions so keep an eye out for those  and just register to whichever you want. If you have any questions, please let us know.  Join in with the network and let us hear your opinions on what training or session topics you would like to see covered as the network is for you, your teams and organisations!

  • Advice services
  • Carers
  • Community relations
  • Education/training
  • Health and wellbeing
  • development
  • Money & Debt Advice
  • Family Support Worker
  • support worker

Date and Time

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17 Canal street
BT35 6JB
United Kingdom

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Contact Details

To register for any of our events first join our Network at  or email . 

More Information

All of our events are listed on the UK Money Guider Networks Calendar and you can also follow us on for regular updates and money guidance links: