54.469235557851, -7.6356010839633

Telephone based family support

ARC Healthy Living Centre

116-122 Sallyswood Irvinestown BT94 1HQ

Type of support for people

  • Emotional or social support (e.g. befriending)
Help offered

Telephone based family support / plus we are uploading resources daily to support you with parenting and general wellbeing, we are doing live story time, rhyme time, baby massage classes tune in daily to catch up on what’s happening on our website www.archlc.com. We will be offering breast feeding support through Zoom video conferencing in groups and on a one to one basis.

How to access this support

Contact organisation for access to this service. E: info@archlc.com T: 028 6862 8741 W: http://www.archlc.com/ Also, Cherish Surestart telephone is still active so please call on 028 6862 1970 if you need further advice.

Email Address
Telephone number