54.441832590051, -6.5119355149167
Richmount, Portadown: service for older people in the area
Richmount Rural Community Association2 Derrylettiff Roadp Portadown BT62 1QU
Type of support for people
- Emotional or social support (e.g. befriending)
- Food / grocery / prescription delivery
- Information and advice
- Other
Our Primary Service would be for older people within a 5 Mile Radius of Scotch Street, BT62 1QU.
Telephone call service to older people to make social contact, establish if they are OK, establish if any needs, signpost to other services.
Generally try to reduce the feeling of social isolation.
Print and deliver leaflets in the area all ages; Deliver food to older people at door steps.
Facilitate online shopping ordering where older person cannot access this service (Done over phone).
We also have the potential to cook and deliver meals to older people.
We have some 15 "younger volunteers" for on the ground work and several older people for telephone assistance. Scotch Street Youth Club has offered to assist us with volunteers.
We are receiving a small amount of money from CFNI to help cover volunteer costs
Joe Garvey:
- 079 3418 6635
- joegar@hotmail.co.uk
- richmountruralcommunityassoc.btck.co.uk/
- facebook.com/groups/RRCA
Richmount Rural Community Association
Richmount Rural Community Association
Other services available
Operating in the following council areas:
COVID-19 Service