54.178348809048, -6.3425040588034
Armagh, Banbridge, Craigavon: help for the community
Carers Trust6 Savages Terrace Newry BT35 6AT
Type of support for people
- Emotional or social support (e.g. befriending)
- Information and advice
Help offered
- Listening ear over the phone;
- Texts, email and tel support;
- Sharing useful info from other organisation and community groups;
- Sharing info from Helpline services;
- Taking call and emails from carers and ex-carers
How to access this support
Michelle Moult: 07702 819111 // mmoult@carers.org // carers.org
Email Address

Carers Trust
Carers Trust NI
Operating in the following council areas:
COVID-19 Service