A Youth Engagement project providing crisis/critical intervention to young people at risk. Helping to identify and overcome barriers to inclusion and training & employment in order to affect positive change in the lives of young people and the community
International House, London, 24 Holborn Viaduct London EC1A 2BN United Kingdom
The Charities Buying Group is a Community Interest Company and as such all profits go towards our CBG 4 Health Wellbeing Programme. We supply PPE and Hygiene products as well as other services to help you save money.
The Skainos Centre 239 Newtownards Road Belfast BT4 1AF United Kingdom
Skainos Square offers a wide range of hi-tech, low cost room hire and conference facilities in an award winning building in an easily accessible part of Belfast for voluntary and community organisations and others.
89A Bryansford Road Newcastle BT33 0LF United Kingdom
Ardaluin regeneration Trust are a personal development charity that work in partnership with BAC to offer residential opportuinities to young people who have disabilities or who come from disadvantaged communities.
Western House 3 Dungannon Road Coalisland BT71 4HP United Kingdom
Our mission is to build a participative, inclusive and prosperous society in the Coalisland Area by providing a social hub for local resident and community groups aimed at improving the quality of life in the area.
Community House Citylink Business Park Belfast BT12 4HQ United Kingdom
Localgiving is a not-for-profit organisation which provides online fundraising training and support for those in the voluntary sector to increase capacity in the aim of safeguarding sustainability.
The Cabin 3 Twaddell Avenue Belfast BT13 3LE United Kingdom
Twaddell Woodvale Residents Association support and help the local community in many aspects, please call into the office or ring 02890710202 for more information.
IGNITION Belfast 6 Weavershill Square Belfast BT14 8QU United Kingdom
IGNITION Belfast provides digital services (Video, Photo, Web Design, Branding & Marketing, Print Design & Print) to voluntary and third sector organisations - providing a digital platform to bring learning to life and showcasing positive youth!
7 Derryneskan Road Portadown BT62 1UH United Kingdom
Love Hockey Ireland was established in February 2010 as a non profit organisation set up to facilitate the integration of people of all backgrounds in local communities through the sport of Inline Hockey, we operate a social enterprise sports arena.
A local partnership comprising of subgroups from local people and statutory agencies driving areas such as identified in the Rathcoole Neighbourhood Renewal Action Plan.
148-158 Springfield Road Belfast BT12 7AE United Kingdom
Clonard Neighbourhood Development Partnership is an umbrella body representing groups from the Greater Clonard area and campaigning and advocating on behalf of the community on Social, Economic and Regeneration issues that impact on residents.
50 Colin Road Poleglass Dunmurry BT17 0LG United Kingdom
Youth Initiatives is involved with community regeneration, community relations, community development, youth issues and providing community facilities.
FM.A.NI Office 43 Limavady BT49 0PQ United Kingdom
Fibromyalgia Awareness Northern Ireland is a registered charity organisation dedicated to providing help and support to
Fibromyalgia sufferers and those who care for them. Their family & Friends
Unit 4 Balllyoran Centre Dundonald BT16 1UN United Kingdom
To promote the health and wellbeing of men in the local area, incorporating their families through a range of activities, mental, physical and socially.
53 Romney Street East Belfast Network Centre London SW1P 3RF United Kingdom
CARE seeks to uphold human dignity and to support the most vulnerable people in society, engaging with politicians in the UK Parliaments & Assemblies & the EU institutions in its advocacy work & encouraging Christians to engage positively in public life.