Young Social Innovators.

Young Social Innovators.

DCU Alpha,
Old Finglas Road,
Co. Dublin
D11 KXN4

Contact Details
Young Social Innovators (YSI) is a non-profit organisation that believes in the power of youth. Its vision is to empower, equip and inspire young people to change the world for good. Through its programmes, training and events, Young Social Innovators enables young people to grapple with difficult social issues, advocating reform and advancing change. Each year, circa 15,000 young people are supported to explore social and environmental issues that concern them and come up with a variety of responses to these. In this way, Young Social Innovators build social capital and help young people create a fairer and more caring Ireland connecting into a wider global movement for change.

Young Social Innovators.'s Content

Dec 09 12:00pm

Tender | Social Impact Tracker

Young Social Innovators.

Young Social Innovators is looking for a reputable technology provider to build a social impact tracker to be used on their new SEUPB PEACEPLUS funded programme: Ignite Community.

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Type of Organisation




Company Number

Young Social Innovators


  • Audrey Donovan
  • Roger Warnock