North Down & Ards Women's Aid

North Down & Ards Women's Aid

18 Bingham Street
BT20 5DW
United Kingdom

Contact Details

Opening Hours

Bangor Advice Centre

9am - 5pm

 028 91273196


Refuge - 24 hours


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 Let's Keep on Supporting People

North Down and Ards Women's Aid exists to provide advice, support and refuge to women and their children who have experienced or are still experiencing the effects of physical, emotional or sexual abuse.

Organisational purpose

North Down & Ards Women’s Aid is a voluntary organisation whose aim is to provide temporary accommodation, support and information to women and children who have experienced domestic violence. We are a company limited by guarantee and have a constitution along with a memorandum and articles of association.

Core Aims

The ultimate aim of the Women’s Aid movement is to eliminate domestic violence. It seeks to challenge the attitudes and beliefs that perpetuate domestic violence and to promote healthy and non-abusive relationships.

The core aims of North Down & Ards Women’s Aid are as follows:

  • To provide temporary refuge to women and their children suffering mental, physical, financial or sexual abuse within the home

  • To encourage women to take control of their own future, whether this involves returning home or beginning an independent life

  • To recognise and care for the emotional needs of the children involved

  • To offer support and advice to any woman who asks for it, whether or not she is living in a refuge and to offer supportive aftercare to women leaving the refuge

  • To educate and inform the public, the media, the police, the courts, social services and other agencies, always mindful of the fact that abused women are a direct result of the general position of women in our societ

All of these activities take place within a self-help ethos; a process through which women are encouraged to regain their self-respect and self-esteem by exercising control over their everyday lives.

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North Down & Ards Women's Aid's Services

Specialist support for women and her children who are experiencing domestic and/or sexual abuse

North Down & Ards Women's Aid

18 Bingham Street, Bangor, BT20 5DW

COVID-19 Service

North Down & Ards Women's Aid's Content

Job | Full Time

Services Manager

North Down & Ards Women's Aid

£35,786.40 per annum

More Information

Type of Organisation


Company Number


NI Charity Number



  • Michelle Myatt