Newington Day Centre

Newington Day Centre

Newington Day Centre
31-35 Alantic avenue
Bt15 2HN
United Kingdom

Contact Details

Margaret McCrudden
Newington Day Centre is a charity organisation in the heart of north Belfast which looks after the elderly population in the community.

The philosophy of the centre is 'To promote the independence, well-being, dignity and self-esteem of members'. The day centre aims to enable people from many different backgrounds to remain living in the community and to provide support and repite for carers. 'The centre itself is a community by day but is also a part of the wider community'.  

The Day centre could be described as home away from home as its not run like an instituation. The atomsphere is warm, enjoying and cheery. Its a place were you can laugh, cry and meet new friends. The entertainment is excellent and the facilities are great. The staff and volunteers are kind, caring, respectful and always around to help.

Newington Day Centre's Services

Services For The Elderly: Duncairn

Newington Day Centre

31-35 Alantic Avenue Belfast BT15 2HN

Newington Day Centre's Content


Newington Day Centre

Senior managers from Newington Day Centre (funded under Big Lottery Reaching Out:Connecting Older People Programme for an outreach programme) successfully completed the ILM Level 3 Award as part of the RO:COP support programme training provided by NICVA.

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Type of Organisation



  • Margaret McCrudden