Mariner's Afterschool Care
Mariner's Afterschool Care
Mariner's Afterschool Care
BT15 3QF
United Kingdom
Contact Details
Opening Hours
Opening hours
• The after school afterschool opens between 2 pm and 5.30 pm every day during school term-time.
• The holiday afterschool opens between 8.30 am and 5.30pm every day during all school holidays.
Statement of Purpose
Aims and Objectives The aim of Mariners is to provide quality, safe, affordable and accessible out of school childcare offering a range of play activities in a welcoming atmosphere.
Children for Whom Care is Provided The afterschool operates for boys and girls from North Belfast Primary School age as stated in the admissions policy. The afterschool caters for 16 children, in line with our Belfast Health and Social Care Trust registration. It is anticipated the afterschool will cater for 16 children under the age of 11. The afterschool offers a child centred environment meeting the social, physical, intellectual, creative and emotional needs of children and recognising the individual needs of each child who attends.
Opening hours
• The after school afterschool opens between 2 pm and 5.30 pm every day during school term-time.
• The holiday afterschool opens between 8.30 am and 5.30pm every day during all school holidays.
Afterschool Care, Term Time: £14.00 per Child (including pick up)
Full day, Out of Term Time: £22.00 per Child
You are required to set up a weekly Standing order with your bank (details of this will be on your parent/carer Contract). The Afterschool Manager will arrange payments and bank details.
Staffing levels meet the requirements set by CSSIW at all times.
Afterschool Manager: Colleen Crothers
Afterschool Assistant: Rachael Dunn
BHSCT Registered Person in Charge & Designated Officer: Colleen Crothers
Volunteers assist in the afterschool at various times. All staff and volunteers have Access NI enhanced checks and where relevant checks by the BHSCT registered person in charge.
Afterschool Premises/Facilities Offered The Afterschool is based in The HUBB Community Resource Centre, 30 St Aubyn Street, Belfast, BT15 3QF and has the use of YRCD Bowling room and Crusaders Football Pitch.
Afterschool Policies, Procedures and Forms
The Afterschool provides appropriate areas for a range of needs including a food preparation/dining area, a quiet area, a large play area and outdoor play space in Crusaders Football. Toilet and first aid facilities are available as well as storage and administrative space. There are a suitable number of toilets available for use by the children attending the Afterschool, and separate toilets for use by staff. No pets are kept on the premises on the premises.
Services Offered In line with the arrival and collection policy the Afterschool, staff collect children from school and accompany them to the afterschool premises where the children are registered. Snacks and drinks are available at the beginning of the session. All food and drinks offered is in line with our menu planning policy, and meets the dietary needs and preferences of children as indicated on the child’s registration form.
Activities Offered A wide variety of activities are offered. Some activities will be planned weekly by workers, whilst still offering opportunities for free play. Children will be encouraged to participate in the planning and evaluation of activities and ideas for equipment when it is being purchased.
Languages Used The main language of the Afterschool is given English.
Afterschool Routine
Usual routine of the Afterschool:
14.00pm- Collect children and escort to the Afterschool.
14.10pm - Complete daily attendances register.
14.20pm - Structured Creative Play.
15.00pm - Free Play.
15.00pm - Collect children and escort to the Afterschool.
15.20pm - Complete daily attendances register.
15.30pm- Snack time.
4.00pm – Outdoor Activities.
4.30pm – Free Play.
5pm – Tidy Up.
5.10pm – Music and Dance Activities (or active games)
5.30pm - Afterschool closes.
The Mariner’s Afterschool routine will vary from week to week with different themes. Also we will have Fun Friday’s were there will be a main activity such as movies, cookery or quizzes etc...
Admissions policy The Afterschool is open to any child attending Seaview , Lowood and Curry Primary School or in North Belfast. We have a detailed admissions policy which can be found on the HUBB website (select Mariner’s Afterschool Care). A copy can also be obtained from the Afterschool Manager.
Contact Information
Contact name: Colleen Crothers
Telephone number: 02890 777511/07841867549
Contact address: The Mariner’s Afterschool Care/The HUBB, 30 St Aubyn Street, Belfast Postcode: BT15 3QF
Email address:
This address should be used for all written correspondence to the Afterschool, including any correspondence to the management committee and/or the Registered Person/ Responsible Individual.
Arrangements for complaints and concerns We welcome suggestions and constructive criticism from parents/carers and children to help us maintain a high quality provision. Please speak with the Afterschool Manager if you would like to make any suggestions. A suggestion box is also always available by the After school’s entrance. However, from time to time a parent/carer or child may find it necessary to follow the complaints procedures, copies of which can be found at the suggestion box or on the website: A copy can also be obtained from the Afterschool Manager.
Arrangements for dealing with an emergency The Afterschool has comprehensive emergency procedures. Details can be found the website: , or can be obtained from the Afterschool Manager.
This Statement of Purpose and all policies and procedures are reviewed and updated as necessary and/or in line with any changes in regulation and at least annually. Any changes to the service are notified to BHSCT. The Afterschool notifies parents/carers of any changes to the Afterschool’s policies and procedures.
Mariner’s Afterschool Care List of Polices:
Absence of Manager in Charge Policy
Accidents – Prevention, Reporting, Recording and Notification
Adverse Conditions Policy
Allegations Against Staff Policy
Arrival and Collection Policy
6. Child Protection Policy Statement
Code Of Conduct for Staff
Complaints/Comments Policy
Confidentiality Policy And Parents access to records.
Data Protection Policy
Equal Opportunities Policy
E-Safety, Camera & Mobile Phone Policy
First Aid Policy
Health and Safety Policy
Infection Prevention and Control Policy
Maintenance and Replacement of Play Equipment
Management of Medicine Policy
Management of Records Policy
Management of Risk associated with the Care of Individual Service Users
Managing Aggression and Challenging Behaviour – including Bullying
Policy on Managing an Emergency
Menu Planning Policy
Participation and Engagement with Parents Policy
Provision of Food and Drink Policy
Reporting Adverse and Untoward Incidents
Rota Policy
Security Policy
Student Placement Policy
Whistleblowing Policy and Procedure
Staff confidentiality Agreement
Telephone Notification of Sickness Absence
Additional Needs Policy
Play Policy
Policy on Transport
Smoking Policy
CCTV Policy
Admissions Policy
All policies and procedures can be found on website: