Horn of Africa People's Aid Northern Ireland HAPANI

Horn of Africa People's Aid Northern Ireland HAPANI

Botanic House, 1-5 Botanic Avenue
United Kingdom

Contact Details

Suleiman Abdulahi

Opening Hours

Week days 09am -  5 PM

Horn of Africa People’s Aid Northern Ireland (HAPANI) was formed in 2011 with the aim of supporting individuals residing in Northern Ireland who are originally from the Horn of Africa Countries.

Strategic aim
To support the self-actualisation of individuals from the Horn of Africa in Northern Ireland, on a basis of equality between women and men, to foster mutual support and integration vis-à-vis the host community, and to contribute to assistance in the region itself.
1. To develop independent initiatives to foster autonomy and participation among HoA individuals.
2. To raise awareness in public services of how they can respond flexibly to HoA individuals’ needs.
3. To challenge intolerance shown towards individuals from HoA communities in Northern Ireland.
4. To develop mutual support among HoA individuals and members of the host community.
5. To raise resources for education and health-related projects in the HoA projects in the HoA countries.

Horn of Africa People's Aid Northern Ireland HAPANI's Services

Help in the community

Horn of Africa People's Aid Northern Ireland HAPANI

Botanic House,1-5 Botanic Avenue, Belfast, BT7 1JG

COVID-19 Service

Horn of Africa People's Aid Northern Ireland HAPANI's Content

Jan 16 5:30pm

Support Workers (Ignite Community Programme) X2 Closing 16th Jan 2025 Salary £30,524 (pro rata) Hours: 17.5 hrs

Horn of Africa People's Aid Northern Ireland HAPANI

Job Opportunity with Horn of Africa People’s Aid Northern Ireland (HAPANI) Job Title: Ignite Community Programme Support Worker (Two Part-Time Posts)
Job | Full Time

Drop-In Centre Manager

Horn of Africa People's Aid Northern Ireland HAPANI

Salary: £26,000 gross per annum (equivalent to £23,300 per annum after deductions)

More Information

Type of Organisation



  • Suleiman Abdulahi
  • Suleiman Abdulahi